
George Nikitiades,
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture & Tourism

George Christodoulakis,
Secretary of State for Asset Restructuring & Privatizations, Ministry of Finance

Christos Staikouras,
MP, Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, New Democracy

Jürgen Creutzmann,
Member of the European Parliament

Konstantinos Maragkakis,
Head of Communications, StanleyBet

Malcolm Bruce,
Director of Corporate Responsibility, Betfair

Martin Cruddace,
Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer,Betfair

Politis Dimitris,
Managing Director & Head of Global Banking, HSBC Greece

Manuel Esparrago,
Brussels Manager, Remote Gambling Association

Andrew Gellatly,
Editorial Director,
Gambling Data

Roberto A. Jacchia,
Avvocato, Member of the
Italian Bar

Pieter Remmers,
Director, Assissa Consultancy Europe

Emmanuel Skourtis,
Head of Restructuring

Nikolaos Roumnakis,
Consultant, Law Firm Sinanides and Sinanides

Nikos Serdaris,
OSIPE, Euromat

Tuesday, November, 29th
Athenaeum InterContinental, Athens
Last update: November, 28, 2011
Registration & Coffee
Welcoming Address:
Konstantinos Ouzounis, General Manager, Ethos Media S.A.
Opening Remarks:
George Nikitaidis*, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture & Tourism.
Opening Remarks:
Christos Staikouras, Member of Parliament, Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, New Democracy |
Keynote Speaker:
Manuel Esparrago, Brussels Manager, Remote Gambling Association |
Keynote Speaker:
Constantinos Couccoullis, Managing Partner, "Law Offices C. N. Couccoullis & Associates" |
Panel I: The European legislative framework and the greek legislative framework in Gaming
- The european legislative framework in Gaming
- Analysis of green paper on online gaming
- The function of the technical and gaming market under the new institutional framework
- The role of the Greek Gaming Board/ Commission (GGB)
- The European experience from opening up the gaming markets
- Strengths and weaknesses of the new regulatory framework for gambling in Greece
- The French / Italian experience in deregulating gaming
Keynote Speaker:
Andrew Gellatly, Editorial Director, Gambling Data
Moderator: Antonis Papagiannidis, Journalist, General Manager, Economia
George Christodoulakis, Secretary of State for Asset Restructuring & Privatizations, Ministry of Finance
Martin Cruddace, Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer, Betfair
Manuel Esparrago, Brussels Manager, Remote Gambling Association
Roberto Jacchia, Avvocato, Member of the Italian Bar
Alexandros Lykourezos, Alexandros Lykourezos Law Offices
Konstantinos Maragkakis, Head of Communications, StanleyBet
Keynote Speaker:
Dimitris Voutsas, Director Retail Services, Greece & Albania, Colliers International |
Panel II: Opportunities and prospects for the regulated gaming market
- Opportunities and challenges for businesses providing gambling services
- The new role of OPAP (Organisation of Football Game Prognostics) in the Greek gaming market
- VLTs: How they will be used and by whom?
- Legalisation and exploitation of online gaming
Moderator: Vangelis Mandravelis, Journalist, Kathimerini newspaper
George Dellis, Ass. Professor of administrative law, Kapodistrian University of Athens
Krystallia Iatridou, Associate, Karageorgiou & Associates Law Firm
Dinos Stranomitis, Trading & Managing Director, Consultant E.I. Malta
Lunch break |
Keynote Speaker:
Harris Ikonomopoulos, Greek President of British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce |
Panel �II: The role of privatization in the opening up of the gaming market in Greece
- Does privatization serve the market and / or the government's financial goals?
- What opportunities does privatization provide to the gambling industry?
- How is the market affected by the potential privatization of OPAP-ODIE ?
- The opportunities and drawbacks of the economic crisis in Greece.
Moderator: Nikos Chrisikopoulos, Journalist, capital.gr
George Christodoulakis, Secretary of State for Asset Restructuring & Privatizations, Ministry of Finance
Iraklis Lappas, Secretary General, Board of Directors of POEPPP
Dimitris Politis, Managing Director & Head of Global Banking, HSBC
Nikolaos Roumnakis, Consultant, Law Firm Sinanides and Sinanides
Emmanuel Skourtis, Director - Head of Restructuring & AAS, KPMG
Keynote Speaker:
Jürgen Creutzmann, Member of European Parliament |
Panel IV: Responsible gaming: A prerequisite for the beneficial operation of the gaming market. |
- How is responsible gaming implemented at the traditional and the internet gaming companies?
- Technological application at the service of Responsible gaming
- The Greek experience and the experience of the European companies
- Minors and gaming
- Addiction to gaming |
Keynote Speakers:
Andrew Gellatly, Editorial Director, GamblingCompliance
Malcolm Bruce, Director of Corporate Responsibility, Betfair
Moderator: Vangelis Mandravelis, Journalist, Kathimerini newspaper
Malcolm Bruce, Director of Corporate Responsibility, Betfair
Alexandros Gerontikos, Business Consultant
Katerina Katsouli, Managing Director, Sustainable Development Consulting
Pieter Remmers, Director, Assissa Consultancy Europe
End of Conference |
* Confirmation Pending |
