
George Nikitiades,
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Culture & Tourism

George Christodoulakis,
Secretary of State for Asset Restructuring & Privatizations, Ministry of Finance

Christos Staikouras,
MP, Standing Committee on Economic Affairs, New Democracy

Jürgen Creutzmann,
Member of the European Parliament

Konstantinos Maragkakis,
Head of Communications, StanleyBet

Malcolm Bruce,
Director of Corporate Responsibility, Betfair

Martin Cruddace,
Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer,Betfair

Politis Dimitris,
Managing Director & Head of Global Banking, HSBC Greece

Manuel Esparrago,
Brussels Manager, Remote Gambling Association

Andrew Gellatly,
Editorial Director,
Gambling Data

Roberto A. Jacchia,
Avvocato, Member of the
Italian Bar

Pieter Remmers,
Director, Assissa Consultancy Europe

Emmanuel Skourtis,
Head of Restructuring

Nikolaos Roumnakis,
Consultant, Law Firm Sinanides and Sinanides

Nikos Serdaris,
OSIPE, Euromat

MONEY CONFERENCES, the Ethos Media S.A. area of activity, commenced in 2007 and are already among the most successful business conferences in Greece. High level speakers from Greece and abroad provide specialised expertise to business sector executives and answer critical questions facing the market.
Money Conferences aim to be the foremost annual conferences in their sector in Greece where business executives will have the opportunity to be in a business network, come into contact with their peers, cooperate and engage in constructive dialogue with skilled professionals in the area and executives from other companies.
Exports Money Conference 2011, 17th March, Athenaeum InterContinental
CEO & CSR Money Conference 2011, 5th May, Athenaeum InterContinental
Pharma Money Conference 2011, 1st June, Ethniki Asfalistiki Conference Centre
Energy Money Conference 2011, 7th July, Athenaeum InterContinental
Insurance Money Conference 2011, 5th October, Divani Caravel
Banking Money Conference 2011, 2nd November, Athenaeum InterContinental
Commerce Money Conference 2011, 16th November, Conference Center ?Ethniki Asfalistiki?
Gaming Money Conference 2011, 29th November, Athenaeum InterContinental
Greek Investment Forum 2011, 15th December, Athenaeum InterContinental
HRIMA MAGAZINE is a modern investment & financial magazine that is published by ETHOS MEDIA S.A. The magazine was first released in August 1988 and four years later, in 1992, it formalized a permanent association with the EUROMONEY magazine (160,000 readers in 125 countries).
HRIMA magazine was renewed in 2008 and acquired a new outlook, which was designed to provide condensed information and knowledge, a thorough and responsible interpretation of estimates and projections, especially at such a critical investment juncture.
So, investors now have a useful tool in their hands to understand and analyze both the economic environment and the trends that occur or emerge and affect investments.
An important innovation is that the magazine is simultaneously released digitally, i.e. subscribers receive it by e-mail and can read all the material on the computer screen.
The experienced and skilled contributors at HRIMA magazine aspire to provide investors with the most accurate information about every detail concerning the difficult current economic reality.
