Welcoming Address: Mr. Konstantinos Ouzounis, General Manager, Ethos Media S.A.
Welcoming Address: Mr. Mark Johnson, Editor, Euromoney Conferences
Keynote Speaker: Mr. Markus Krall, Senior Partner, Global Head Risk Management, Roland Berger
Panel I: The Greek Banking Sector After the Crisis: A New Model?
Mr. Nikos Myrtakis, Chairman, Association of Co-operative Banks of Greece, Mr. Andrea di Segni, Chief Operating Officer, Sodali, Dr. John E. Charalambakis, Chief Economist BlackSummit Financial Group & Professor of Economics, University of Kentucky, Dr. Nikolaos Georgikopoulos, Research Felow at KEPE & Research Associate at NYU-Stern Business School, Moderator: Mr. Mark Johnson, Editor, Euromoney Conferences
Panel I: The Greek Banking Sector After the Crisis: A New Model?
Dr. John E. Charalambakis, Chief Economist BlackSummit Financial Group & Professor of Economics, University of Kentucky
Panel I: The Greek Banking Sector After the Crisis: A New Model?
Dr. Nikolaos Georgikopoulos, Research Felow at KEPE & Research Associate at NYU-Stern Business School
Panel I: The Greek Banking Sector After the Crisis: A New Model?
Mr. Andrea di Segni, Chief Operating Officer, Sodali
Panel I: The Greek Banking Sector After the Crisis: A New Model?
Mr. Nikos Myrtakis, Chairman, Association of Co-operative Banks of Greece
Panel II: Finance, New Products and Services: New Strategies to combat the crisis
Mr. Triantafyllos Lyssimachou, General Manager of Insurance Business, Piraeus Bank, Mr. Michael Oratis, Chief Risk Officer, NBG, Mr. Georgios Papadimitriou, Advisory Services Leader in SouthEast Europe & Risk Management Services Leader in Central & SouthEast Europe, Ernst & Young, Mr. Jean Louis Tourne, CEO, Piraeus Wealth Management, Moderator: Mr. Dimitris Kontogiannis, Journalist, Eleftherotypia Newspaper
Panel II: Finance, New Products and Services: New Strategies to combat the crisis
Mr. Jean Louis Tourne, CEO, Piraeus Wealth Management
Panel II: Finance, New Products and Services: New Strategies to combat the crisis
Mr. Georgios Papadimitriou, Advisory Services Leader in SouthEast Europe & Risk Management Services Leader in Central & SouthEast Europe, Ernst & Young
Panel II: Finance, New Products and Services: New Strategies to combat the crisis
Mr. Triantafyllos Lyssimachou, General Manager of Insurance Business, Piraeus Bank
Panel II: Finance, New Products and Services: New Strategies to combat the crisis
Mr. Michael Oratis, Chief Risk Officer, NBG
Panel �II: Providing Finance to the Greek economy
Dr. Anastasios Alexandridis, Executive Vice President, Greek International Business Association, Mr. Perikles Konstantinides, Counsel to the Chairman, Attica Finance, Mr. Vassilis Korkidis, President, National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce, Moderator: Ms Ada Seimanidi, Journalist, ?Hrima? Magazine
Panel �II: Providing Finance to the Greek economy
Mr. Vassilis Korkidis, President, National Confederation of Hellenic Commerce
Panel �II: Providing Finance to the Greek economy
Dr. Anastasios Alexandridis, Executive Vice President, Greek International Business Association
Panel �II: Providing Finance to the Greek economy
Mr. Perikles Konstantinides, Counsel to the Chairman, Attica Finance
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