Mr. George Kazantzopoulos, Managing Partner, Global Challenges, is
awarding "Climate Neutral" certificate to Mr. Konstantinos Ouzounis,
Chairman & CEO, MetaHolding S.A. (organizing company of Money Conferences)
Handing-over "Climate Neutral" certificate to Mr. Konstantinos Ouzounis,
Chairman & CEO, MetaHolding S.A. (organizing company of Money Conferences)
from Mr. George Kazantzopoulos, Managing Partner, Global Challenges
Mr. Yiannis Pechlivanidis, Deputy Chairman and Deputy CEO, NBG
Mr. Peter C. Oppenheimer, Chief European Equity Strategist and Head of
the European Strategy Group, Goldman Sachs
PANEL I: The Repercussions Of The Global Credit Crunch
Mr. Artur Tomala, Executive Director, Hybrid Capital Products Group,
Goldman Sachs & Mr.Julian Wills, Executive Director, Bank Risk Management
Team, Goldman Sachs in the workshop hosted by Goldman Sachs on the subject:
Asset And Liability Tools Banks Can Use To Improve Their Capital Position
PANEL II: Risk Management: A Crucial Factor For Bank Development
Mr. Agis Leopoulos, Head of International, NBG in workshop hosted by
National Bank of Greece on the subject: Doing Business Across Cultures In
South-East Europe: The Case For Success
Mrs. Konstantina Vitoratou, Director of International Retail Banking, NBG
in the workshop hosted by National Bank of Greece on the subject: Doing
Business Across Cultures In South-East Europe: The Case For Success
Mr. Marinos Vathis, Structured & International Finance, NBG in the
workshop hosted by National Bank of Greece on the subject: Doing Business
Across Cultures In South-East Europe: The Case For Success
Dr. Kyriacos Sabatakakis, Chairman & CEO, Accenture Greece
PANEL III: The Dilemma Of Greek Banks: Intra-market Or Cross-border
Mr. Panos Halkias, Group Commercial Director, Printec Group of Companies
PANEL IV: Opportunities
& Challenges for Banks In Servicing Companies In The
South-East Europe Region