Mr. Stavros Kalafatis, Deputy Minister of Development
Prof. Christos Zerefos, 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Chairman, National Observatory of Athens
Pr. Dr. Michael Braungart, Co-Founder MBDC, LLC, U.S.A., and "Cradle-to-Cradle" specialist, Germany
PANEL I: Cradle to Cradle: Introducing the Concept
PANEL II: Green Finance and Socially-Responsive Investing (SRI)
PANEL III: Sustainable Building
PANEL IV: Climate Change Solutions
Mr. Thomas M. Countryman, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Athens
Mr. Erkki Huittinen, Finnish Ambassador to Greece
Ms. Emmy Labovitch, Head of Investment Specialists, Fortis Investments, Luxembourg
Mr. Rene Estermann, �anaging Director, myclimate, Switzerland