Money Conferences is a division of MetaHolding S.A.
MetaHolding S.A. is a Greek company, which specializes in the development of products and services in three business
sectors: Publishing, Investor Relations and Advertising.
- MetaPublications
MetaPublications is an internal SBU of the company, with six main activities:
- Magazine Publishing
MetaPublications publishes the company's magazines and guides, both in printed and electronic form.
- HRIMA Magazine []: The first product of the company. It is a financial and stock-exchange magazine, published monthly. It has a readership of approximately 21.000. It is ranked first in Greece.
- HRIMA Week Magazine: The first e-mail magazine of the company. It is a financial and stock-exchange magazine, published weekly. It is being sent to approximately 49.000 readers via e-mail.
- International Representation
MetaPublications functions as an outsourced advertising department for other companies. The media it handles for its clients include:
- Euromoney Magazine & The flagship international magazine and site by Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC of the UK.
- Euromoney Conferences []: The leading international financial conferences organizer. MetaHolding S.A. finds the sponsors, organizes the logistics and handles the Greek programming side of a yearly conference in Greece.
- Georgeson Proxy Solicitation & Shareholder Response Services []:
Since 2005, MetaHolding S.A. represents Georgeson in Greece. GS is a provider of proxy solicitation and shareholder response services. These services are already important, since more than 50% of the Athens Stock Exchange's capitalization is owned by foreign institutional investors, but it is certain that its importance will rise rapidly in the immediate future.
- Phoenix Investor Relations []:
Since 2007, MetaHolding S.A was appointed representative of Phoenix Investor Relations in Greece. Phoenix Investor Relations is an international Investor Relations Consultancy. The company's services include IR Roadshows, Investor Targeting, Perception Studies, Solitaire Investor Outreach Service, etc.
- Hrima Investor Days
The MetaPublications division of the company organizes daily Investor Days in Athens and Thessaloniki every year. In those events leading Greek listed companies present themselves to retail investors, as well as investment professionals.
There are least 4 HRIMA Investor Days organized each year, with more than 15 presentations given by more than 10 companies listed in the Athens Stock Exchange.
- Book Publishing
This division publishes a small but growing portfolio of very successful books, mainly of financial orientation.
MetaPublications has an exclusive collaboration with the leading Cypriot financial magazine Eurokerdos� [].
- MetaDesign
MetaDesign is an internal SBU of the company, with two main activities:
- Graphic Design and Production
One of the most renowned graphic design bureaus in Greece, with a portfolio of blue chip clients. It offers full services, from consultation to press, with unrivalled quality, in time and at a reasonable cost.
- Advertising Services
This division is responsible for the development of advertising concepts, copywriting and the production of TV and radio spots for advertising customers.
- Money Conferences []
Based in Athens, Money Conferences is specialized in organizing international conferences with a particular emphasis on high-caliber financial and economic events in South-East Europe. The company represents the Euromoney Conferences in Greece and will be organizing the following events in 2008:
1) CEO & CSR Conference 2008 : Rethinking The Way We Do Business, May 28, Hilton Athens
2) South-East Europe �anking Conference 2008, June 24, Athenaeum InterContinental
3) South-East Europe Insurance Conference 2008, October 9, Athenaeum InterContinental
4) South-East Europe Investment Conference 2008, November 6, Athenaeum InterContinental.
Hussein Abaza,
Chief, United Nations Environment Programme, Economics and Trade Branch, Switzerland.
Daniel V. Speckhard,
U.S. Ambassador to Greece
Dr. Madhav Mehra,
President, World Council for Corporate Governance, UK
John Wilcox,
Chairman, Sodali Ltd.; Chairman, Cross-Border Voting Committee of the International Corporate Governance Network,UK
Kostis Hatzidakis,
Minister of Development
Kyriakos Mitsotakis,
MP, Chairman of the Hellenic Parliament's Special Standing Committee on Protection of the Environment, Greece.
Spyros Kouvelis,
MP, Member of the Hellenic Parliament's Special Standing Committee on Protection of the Environment; National Representative of GLOBE EUROPE, Greece
Peter Van Luttervelt,
���������� & ����� �.�., Global Action Plan