�thos Media S.A., the organiser of the renowned Money Conferences, is organising the 5th insurance conference entitled ?Insurance Companies & Intermediaries: Success Strategies in the new Economic Environment?. This year?s conference will take place on Thursday 11 October 2012 at the Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel.
The 5th Insurance Money Conference will focus on the changes in the operation of insurance companies that have occurred due to shifts in the legislative, social and economic environment, the requirements for successful adaptation to the rapidly evolving demands of the market, the competition and the clientele, tools and sales practices, human resource training and other issues that are crucial to the insurance sector, including the supervisory, procedural and regulatory changes that affect it.
The conference brings together renowned speakers, top executives in the industry and technocrats to discuss a series of important topics in the insurance sector and to provide insurance companies and professionals with practical and useful information on the environment in which they are being formed and are required to work and evolve by exploiting new methods of promoting operations (social media, online information services, online operations, etc). Taking into consideration the future of insurance companies and the challenges they need to adequately address in order to evolve, the conference will focus on the changes taking place in company operations and regarding insurance professionals, the modernisation of the legislative, supervisory and regulatory environment, new methods of operations production, new sales tools, distribution channel development, intermediaries adapting to different procedures and terms of cooperation with companies, and other important issues.
Lastly, through the participation of experts who will share their knowledge and experience, this year?s Insurance Money Conference aims at informing the participants on top priority issues, triggering reflection on adopting new development methods, providing substantial information on the progress of insurance operations, and providing career counselling about which moves are crucial to companies and professionals entering a new operating environment in the insurance industry.
The conference panels will include the following topics:
Panel I: Insurance companies in the new financial environment
Panel II: Insurance companies ready to address the requirements of Solvency II and the supervisory authority
Panel III: Benefits of cooperation between private and public insurance
Panel IV: The future of distribution of insurance products: Agency, bancassurance network, direct sales and other emerging methods of promoting operations
Panel V: Necessary mediation guidelines for quality improvement and productive development in the sector
A. ?The Insurance Intermediation- Manage Your Company as a Professional?, It is a substantial unit (Part two) of LIMRA PRODUCER DEVELOPMENT SERIES (PDS)
Organizer: Greek Institute for Insurance Education (EIAS)
Speaker: Mr. Spyros Leftheriotis, Executive Director of the Greek Institute for Insurance Education
�. ?Percistency-The art of shielding the portfolio?
Organizer: Institute of Financial Studies
Speaker: Panagiotis Leledakis, C.E.O, IXOSAcademy
C. ?Risk Sharing Plan: Integrated methods in Business insurance risk management?
Organizer: Institute of Financial Studies
Speaker: Stavridou Laoura, General Manager, IXOSAcademy