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 FORUM 2010

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Invest in Greece

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Eurobank EFG



Greek Investment Forum 2010

Money Conferences in co-operation with the financial and investment magazine HRIMA and under the auspice of the Association of Greek Institutional Investors are organising the Greek Investment Forum 2010, to be held on December 8th and 9th, 2010 at the Ethniki Conference Center and will cover two main topics:

Asset and Wealth Management: Wednesday, December 8th
Stock Exchange and Direct Investment: Thursday, December 9th

The aim of the organisers is that the Greek Investment Forums will grow to be Greece?s most prominent annual events and the platform where corporate executives have the opportunity to network, do business and engage in an open and constructive dialogue with top experts and fellow corporate leaders.

Purpose and objectives of the conference

The Greek Investment Forum 2010 is essentially a continuation of the Asset Management Money Conference and the Investment Money Conference series of investment conferences, held successfully in the past. The aim of the Greek Investment Forum 2010 is to pinpoint the latest developments and trends in terms of investment and wealth management in Greece and internationally.

Our expert panel of speakers will work through the issues by engaging in creative discussion in order to help the audience decode the secrets behind complex investment terms and forms of investment and highlight the appropriate options for even the more sophisticated investors.

Wednesday, December 8th: Asset and Wealth Management

A. Developments and prospects in the field of asset management
- The new investment landscape, after the recent government measures.
- Business development strategies of the Greeks fund managers.
- New products and markets: Do the represent a solution for the investor today?

B.  Greek crisis: Where can wealth managers find a safe harbour?
- How can wealth management provide solutions to investment needs of the discerning investor?
- What are the prospects of wealth management in the backdrop of the growing crisis in the Greek market?
- How can wealth management exploit the opportunities arising in the global markets?

C. Guidelines for value investment seekers: The opportunities and risks of financial markets
- The effects of the Greek government bonds downgrade on investment choice.
- What is the role of banks, given the liquidity problems they face, towards the recovery of the Greek financial market?
- Investment diversification: Does it provide a safe harbor from the crisis?

Thursday, December 9th: Stock Exchange and Direct Investment

A. The difficult path of the Greek economy and the prospects for direct investments in Greece
- The Act to facilitate major investments (Fast Track)
- What are the comparative advantages of Greece as an investment destination?
- Which sectors are ripe to receive foreign direct investment?

B. Investment opportunities without borders: what, where and how is it available?
- Stocks - Mutual Funds - Bonds
- Currencies
- Tradable goods contracts (gold, metals, oil)
- Exotic investment proposals & Alternative Investment Funds
- Green Investments and financing

C. Athens Stock Exchange: New structure, new services, significant opportunities
- The X  net system
- ETF's & new products
- Changes in voting regulations at the General Assemblies of listed companies












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