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Dr. Wayne Visser,
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CSR International

John Elkington
������� SustainAbility/
�������, ������������ ����������,
Volans / ����� ���
Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI)

Nikolai Peitersen,
Ethical Economy

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Money Conferences in exclusive collaboration with EuroCharity (www.eurocharity.gr) are organising for the fourth consecutive year the CEO & CSR Money Conference. The CEO & CSR 2010 Money Conference entitled CSR 2.0: The era of Corporate Sustainability & Accountability follows the success of the CEO & CSR 2007, 2008 and 2009 Money Conferences. The CEO & CSR Money Conference?s mission is to be Greece?s most prominent annual event and platform where corporate leaders have the opportunity to network, do business and engage in an open dialogue with top experts and fellow captains of industry who focus on the Triple Bottom Line (Profits, Planet and People) of their social, environmental and economic successes, and explore more innovative, sustainable and responsible ways of doing business.


The CEO & CSR 2007 Money Conference entitled: Mainstreaming Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Strategy was attended by 300 business leaders, senior executives, top experts, government and media representatives from Greece and overseas. The one-day event featured a healthy mix of plenary sessions, three central panels which focused on ?CSR Leadership: The Impact of CSR on Publicly-listed Companies, CSR Success: Business as Unusual and CSR Focus: The Challenges of Climate Change, accompanied by a hands-on workshop.

Following the success of the first CEO & CSR Money Conference the organisers presented the second Conference which took place in 2008 and was entitled: Rethinking The Way We Do Business. This invitation-only conference and networking event took place at the Hilton Athens on May 28, 2008. The Conference aimed at introducing Greece's business leaders and decision-makers to a revolutionary concept that was born in the United States and Germany: Cradle to Cradle. It seeked to introduce its distinguished audience to Cradle to Cradle, present them with the benefits of the concept and demonstrate successful case studies.

Last year's event entitled: Government and Business forging a Green New Deal focused on the identification of effective means by which business and state can work closer together for a cleaner, greener environment and how incentives, innovation, entrepreneurship and competitiveness can be viewed in a context of sustainability and transparency. The conference offered unique opportunities to leading CEOs, decision-makers and entrepreneurs in Greece and beyond to share their mission, values, vision and sustainability agenda with their peers, benefit from numerous networking breaks and at the same time engage in interactive discussions focusing on business strategy, CSR, climate change and sustainable development solutions for the 21st century.

Each year the CEO & CSR Money Conference comes to a close with the prestigious CEO & CSR Money Conference Awards Ceremony, where leading companies and individuals are awarded for their CSR and Sustainability practices and initiatives.


In this context CEO & CSR Money Conference 2010 - CSR 2.0: The era of Corporate Sustainability & Accountability organised for the fourth consecutive year by Money Conferences and EuroCharity, will provide leading organisations and entrepreneurs from Greece and abroad a unique opportunity to meet with peers and experts, exchange views and discuss recent developments on the Corporate Sustainability field with special focus on an emerging array of social media and their role in the CSR field.  

The line-up of distinguished speakers includes experts from the fields of CSR, Social Media and Social Entrepreneurship from Greece and abroad from the academic, business and state sectors. Our renowned speakers will touch upon numerous issues focusing on the challenges, opportunities and the prospects contained in the already intense presence of social media.

The conference will be concluded with the CEO & CSR Money Conference Awards Ceremony. The participation to the vote which will determine the final award winners is open for all companies and organisations that will timely submit their applications. The electronic vote will take place on April 2010, while the results will be further weighted to include the opinion of the special Awards Committee and the outcome of the annual research.



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