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Pharma Money Conference 2010

Pharma Money Conference 2010, aimed to highlight roads, solutions and answers to complex issues and challenges the current, difficult situation and make a positive impact on the fastest and best solution to the problems of the pharmaceutical industry.

With prominent, experienced, qualified contributors and an extensive, interactive discussion, the individual sections of the conference reached analytical and critical issues such as:

A.Funding health care: Trends, problems, prospects.
i. What are the trends internationally
ii. NHS debts and financial sustainability of pension funds: the main problems in Greece

B. Recent developments in the global pharmaceutical market.
i. The effects of the global financial crisis on the pharmaceutical industry
ii. The prospects, opportunities and problems of the industry
iii. Will acquisitions and mergers be continued;

C. Research and development of new pharmaceuticals.
i. What are the problems at international level
ii. The major problem of rising costs and bureaucracy
iii. In what areas has research focused internationally

D. Prospects for the Greek pharmaceutical industry
i. What are the characteristics of the industry
ii. What are the investment prospects and opportunities



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