Money Conferences organized for the second consecutive year the Insurance Money Conference which was held at the Hotel Athenaeum InterContinental Wednesday, November 25, 2009.
The conference was held under the auspices of the MDRT, the Hellenic Insurance Brokers Association (SEMA), the Greek Institute for Insurance Studies, the Auxiliary Fund, the National Association of Insurance Advisors, the National Coordinators Association of Insurance Advisors, the Actuarial Association of Greece, the Union of Institutional Investors (E.TH.E.), the Union of Listed Companies (EN.EIS.ET.) and the Association of Investors & Internet (S.E.D.) .
The Insurance Money Conference 2009 was a Climate Neutral conference auditors certified by the agency ClimatePartner. The ClimatePartner estimated the burden on the environment caused by the movement of delegates, the room lighting, using machinery, or any other form of energy-related activities by the Court as compensation for the organizers of the Conference have contributed financially to this project for the protection change developed by WWF in Nepal.
The conference successfully combine interactive discussions on five main themes that focused on the following issues:
1) The social security system, its prospects, and the potential role of private insurance in providing guaranteed pension plans.
2) Business activity, its responsibilities and obligations towards the environment and the participation of insurance companies in protecting the business of �green� risks.
3) The Private Health, its development, its �economy� and the catalytic participation of insurance companies in creating a large common market of health services.
4) The �Group� insurance, its benefits, and the companies? competition for the opportunity to extend their work.
5) The new business risks and special safeguards for the protection from them.
The panel consisted of high-level speakers, CEOs and representatives of the sponsors of the conference. The high-profile speakers at the Conference were:
Mr. Doukas Palaiologos, Chairman, Hellenic Association of Insurance Companies, Chairman & CEO, Ethniki Insurance Company
Mr. Joseph Jordan, Senior Vice President, MetLife
Mr. Giorgos Petsas, Chairman, Private Insurance Supervisory Committee
Mr. Bram Boon, CEO, ING Greece
Mr. Triantafyllos Lyssimahou, General Manager of Insurance Operations, Piraeus Bank Group of Companies
Mr. Ioannis Petridis, CEO, Fidelity, General Secretary, Hellenic Association of Insurance Brokers
Mr. Vasilis Spiliopoulos, Chairman, B. Spiliopoulos S.A., Vice President, SEV
Mr. Nikos Makropoulos, Chairman and CEO, Europe AEGA
Mr. Dimosthenis Mammonas, former General Secretary for Social Insurance
Mr. Tassos Pagonis, General Manager, Ethniki Insurance Company
Mr. Spyros Leftheriotis, Chairman, Auxiliary Fund, Ethniki Insurance Company
Mr. Nikos Chalkiopoulos, Actuary, Portfolio General Manager, European Reliance S.A.
Mr. Matteo Pederzoli, Regional Director, MDRT Europe Office
Mr. Ioannis Vassilatos, Deputy General Manager & CFO, Ethniki Insurance Company
Mr. Georgios Mamoulakis, Head of Actuarial Department, Ethniki Insurance Company
Mr. Antonis Kalivokas, Deputy Head of Actuarial Department, Ethniki Insurance Company
Ms. Elpi Karampali, Vice Chairman, EFICERT, General Manager, Hellenic Institute of Insurance Education
Ms. Eleni Tarapatsopoulou, Actuary, Head of Life Sector & Actuarial Department, European Reliance S.A.
Mr. Fotis Kourmousis, Chairman, Union of Environmentalists
Mr. Konstantinos Tsolakidis, Deputy Director of Environmental Insurance & RES, Interamerican
Mr. Michael Spanos, Managing Director, STOCHASIS Business Consultants, Managing Partner, Eurocharity
Mr. Christos Chasiotis, Liabilities Group Manager, Chartis
Mr. Giorgos Veliotis, Health Director, Interamerican
Mr. Antonis Geronikolaou, Head of Primary Care, Iatriko Athinon Group
Mr. Dimitris Kakoulis, Market Business Development Officer, CompuGroup
Mr. Panos Zampelis, Chairman, Hellenic Union of Actuaries, CEO, Hewitt Greece
Mr. Nikos Kechagiaoglou, Managing Director, �2 Insurance Risk Management Consultants
Mr. Giorgos Dedopoulos, Executive Coporate Director, International Life
Alongside the conference, in cooperation with the MDRT, organized two seminars on:
1) First meeting with the customer, awareness of his needs and research for presenting a solution
2) Presenting the solution to the customer, handling objections, closing sale
Rapporteur of the seminar was Mr. Dinos Kiriakou, General Manager, Life Partners Cyprus, Regional President, MDRT Europe, India, Middle East and Africa
The sponsors and organizers have worked closely to ensure a common quality. Besides participating in interactive discussions, participants had the opportunity to talk with professionals and experts in the area during breaks and lunch, offering a complete conference experience for participants and significant benefits to sponsors.
The Conference was attended by over 400 people, senior executives of major Greek and foreign insurance companies, representatives of financial and business environment, particularly large investment companies, journalists, opinion leaders etc. In this context, the Insurance Money Conference 2009 believe that it offered an opportunity for participants to share the vision, mission, values and plans with their peers, network and simultaneously engage in interactive discussions focusing on business strategies in successful products and services and business opportunities.